3 Simple Hydration Tips

Hi Reader,

So today, I wanted to talk to you about 3 simple ways to stay more hydrated. I didn’t say the 3 only ways, I said just 3 SIMPLE WAYS to get you to stay more hydrated.

Not being hydrated is a real problem, like for real real. You don’t know how bad dehydration is until you wake up one day and find yourself in the clutches of delirium. Alright, maybe I’m being a bit extra again (as usual) but I need you to take this seriously.

The human body is made up of 60% water and our blood is 90% water. Now, the percentage of water in our bodies does change with age, as we get older and there are other factors like gender and body fat to consider, but all in all…. water is vital for and plays a part in almost off body functions.

Now, you can survive without food anywhere from 8 to 21 days, but try surviving without water…you're down to 3 days.

You’re done bruh! Or as my son likes to say… you’re gonna OOF! (He’s more extra than I am 🤪)

Sooooo, I have a few thoughts to share about what you can do to stay hydrated easily.

Drink water: Ok, so this one may seem obvious, but for many people (myself included) we don’t get enough water.

I personally have lived in a state of dehydration for so long that I didn’t realize I was dehydrated. It was my normal. But eventually I got hip to it and came up with a few tricks to keep thirst at bay and hydration front and center.

  • When you wake up in the morning, before you drink your coffee/tea, or juice, drink some water. Your body has been asleep and fasting for a few hours. This is the perfect time to jumpstart hydration. It can be plain water, water with lemon, hot water with lemon, just drink….then move onto your coffee or other beverages.
  • Instead of trying to chug down a gallon of water at a time, just take a few sips every 15 minutes throughout the day. Eventually you would have consumed enough of it to make an impact and you don’t have to dread knocking back glasses of water at a time.
  • I personally enjoy flavored bubbly water. It tastes good, and I like the bubbles. Also, I like to drink it all before the bubbles disappear so I know I have a good amount of water in me to keep going.

Eat Hydrating foods: It’s not just drinking water all day that can keep you hydrated. People often overlook the importance of consuming water rich foods.

  • Eating hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumbers, citrus fruits, salad, zucchini, cantaloupe, and strawberries for example, are another way to keep your body hydrated. They taste good and are good for you anyway, so this is a win win.
  • There are a lot of hydrating foods out there so you’re not limited to just one thing and with a variety of ways to prepare them, you shouldn’t be limited in your options.
  • Eating a variety of water rich foods like fruits and vegetables helps you stay hydrated without having to consume significant amounts of water.

Limit intake of dehydrating foods: Ok, don’t come for me...but you may want to consider cutting back a bit with the coffee and tea. Look, I’m not saying not to have your fancy gourmet frapps and chinos…. But do you really need 8 cups of coffee a day? I’m being dramatic again but you get what I’m saying.

  • I’m not telling you not to have your coffee or tea, I know if I don’t have my coffee, it’s not safe in the streets for a lot of folks. Just saying. But seriously, too much of a good thing is never that good. Coffee is a diuretic…that’s why you have to pee so much, because it’s running through you and taking water and salt out of your body.
  • So, have a cup…and a half…or two, but you should try to limit your intake.

There you have it, 3 simple and easy to remember ways you can implement right now to help you on track to better hydration.

Question for you: Have you been able to incorporate some of these suggestions into your daily and weekly routine? Let me know if you’ve found these tips useful and practical.

Until next time!

Thanks again,

Hugs and chocolate kisses! Kadae

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Kadae from Honey & Chocolat

I provide tips, tricks, and resources for Plant-Forward Living, Simple Recipes, and Lifestyle Content.

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