Carbs are NOT the Enemy!

Hi Reader,

So the last time I checked it was called VEG-E-TARIAN, not CARBS-E-TARIAN, so why do you think your only option to eat or stay full is stuffing your face with carbs?

Here’s the thing, carbs are not the enemy. Shocking, I know.

I love my carbs, don’t get me wrong. They keep you from losing your mind, but remember, “man cannot live by bread alone” and really, he shouldn’t.

While it’s true, too much of the wrong carbs are bad for you, not all carbs are created equal. There’s basically two types of carbs we need to be aware of:

Complex, and Simple.

Complex carbs contain fiber, simple carbs contain added sugars and little to no fiber.

Carbs are supposed to be your main source of energy, and we should be looking for good carbs from whole foods. But there’s a difference between processed carbs like refined sugar and potato chips, vs. complex carbs found in whole foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes and tubers.

I’m not going to lie to you and say I don’t eat chips and other processed foods. I’m not telling you that you have to completely give up the things you like, but the majority of your food intake should start with whole foods and grains.

Processed foods should be at a minimum.

I know all this is new, and you’re trying to figure out what’s gonna work for you and it’s easy to lean into carb heavy items. Carbs in and on itself aren’t the issue, it’s overdoing it (with the wrong carbs) that’s the problem.

So I’m gonna show you a better way to carb. Lets try circling back to the good old fashioned vegetable, some fruit, definitely some whole grains.


You want to use whole foods, basically the food in its whole or natural form.

Potatoes vs. potato chips

Corn on the cob vs. corn flakes

Fruit vs. fruit roll ups

Whole wheat bread vs. white bread

So when you read an ingredient list how do you choose your carbs?

Items are listed in order from greatest to least on a food label. Look for ingredients that include whole grains, whole wheat, fruits, vegetables and not starting off with added sugar. It can have sugar, because fruit and veg have naturally occurring sugar, but ADDED sugar is something to look out for.

Ok, so when it comes to carbs, we know to focus on whole foods first and processed foods last. Pretty simple if we look at it that way.

Hope you found this issue useful and valuable. Let me know what you think.

Thanks again,

Hugs and chocolate kisses! Kadae

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Kadae from Honey & Chocolat

I provide tips, tricks, and resources for Plant-Forward Living, Simple Recipes, and Lifestyle Content.

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