Don't be a Junk Food Vegan

Hi Reader,

Listen, there’s a question I need to ask you…Are you a junk food vegan?

Maybe you’re not, or maybe you’re beginning to slip into that category and haven’t even realized it so it’s necessary we talk about this.

Many of us have fallen into that category. Most times it’s unintentional because when we transition it’s so much easier to stay with what’s familiar and with so many “vegan alternatives” of our favorite foods available, it becomes easy to slip into consuming foods that are actually highly processed, pumped full of high fats and sugars.

Now, it’s phenomenal that you’ve made the decision to adopt a plant-based diet and yes, it makes sense to turn to familiar items, I mean, who wouldn’t?

While it’s good in the long run to want to think about eating more in line with a plant based diet, what’s not good is thinking that just because something is labeled as vegan that it’s automatically good for you or even healthy.

So what exactly is a junk food vegan?

Let me give you an example: Oreos are vegan (I like Oreos), but it’s still not a good idea to eat oreos everyday, or inhale a whole pack in one sitting. I may or may not have personally done that with an entire box of Thin Mints Girl Scout cookies in one sitting. I am not ashamed (don’t judge) but please don’t do what I’ve done, learn from my mistakes.

Look, I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that I don’t enjoy the occasional vegan brats, vegan cheese, or my junky snacks, however, that can’t be the mainstay of a diet. Once in a while is ok, just not on a regular basis. That crap can literally kill you if you’re not careful.

Regularly consuming highly processed foods with high fats and salts is like eating fast food everyday. It’s just not good for you in the long run.

And think about it, you’ve made the decision to transition from animal products, why would you intentionally want to now add harmful products into your life just to say you’re doing it in the name of veganism, how does that help or serve you? It doesn’t.

Foods like:

  • frozen pizza
  • pre-packaged soups
  • plant-based sausages
  • veggie burgers
  • vegan cheeses and
  • meat alternatives

are some of the most popular prepared foods available…basically if it’s pre made and packaged, it’s processed to some degree. And yes, the familiarity and convenience does make it “easier” sometimes to stay eating vegan because we are committed to this life now.

But apart from the convenience and familiarity, what the hell is being added to some of these items to make them taste so good? Fat. And. Salt. Just solved another Scooby Doo mystery.

Now that we know what it is, what do we do about it?

I like to keep things simple, because simplicity leads to easy repetition, and repetition leads to building good habits and routine. Just a little bit of planning goes a long way.

The primary way we should all be looking at eating is to incorporate as many whole foods as possible.

  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • legumes
  • beans
  • grains

…basically, eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. Once again, I’m not saying never to have any processed or prepared foods, but they should be once in a while, or an accompaniment, not the star of the show and shouldn't make a regular guest star appearance.

When building your plate, try to keep

  • ½ of it non-starchy vegetables (carrots, zucchini, peppers, onions, tomatoes),
  • ¼ grains or starch (quinoa, barley brown rice), and
  • ¼ plant protein (black beans, lentils, tofu).

Snacks could include fresh fruits, nuts, raw veggies with hummus.

We all have different responsibilities during the day and week. Some people have to commute or travel for work, some have the work from home situation, or community activities they are involved in. Planning accordingly for your personal lifestyle and needs will be key.

A couple of ideas to try:

Meal planning before your shopping trips can keep you organized for the week. Keep some simple, easy to throw together meals in your rotation. I like methods more than recipes because they are easy to adjust.

For example:

  • tacos, you can put anything in a taco
  • dinner salads,
  • pasta dishes,
  • homemade soups/stews
  • chili,
  • stir fry or fried rice

are all easy to handle, familiar, and can be made with whole foods. Also, make enough for leftovers. You’ll be more inclined to reach for the leftovers before you reach for something else not so good for you.

Have pre-portioned snacks available so you have something within easy reach.

For example:

  • air popped popcorn
  • cut fresh fruits
  • nuts and olives
  • raw veggies and
  • hummus

Keep your belly full and happy.

Sometimes you’re gonna go out and be involved in different activities so eating perfectly all the time won’t always be available to you. But if you have a plan in place you’ll be more inclined to stick with it and away from the junk.

Now, it may be even easier to think about hitting your target from a weekly objective as opposed to a daily one. If you can achieve healthier eating for the bulk of your week 4 or 5 days, then you’re more aligned in meeting your objective of being a healthy vegan and not a junk food one.

Ok, so I hope that you found value from this and that you’re able to put some things into place that will help keep you moving forward in the right direction. A little planning and prep goes a long way.

Question for you: Have you felt that you’re able to incorporate more whole foods into your weekly rotation and stay away from the junk or have you been relying on prepared foods? What circumstances have led you here? Curious to know, so please share.

Until next time!

Thanks again,

Hugs and chocolate kisses! Kadae

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Kadae from Honey & Chocolat

I provide tips, tricks, and resources for Plant-Forward Living, Simple Recipes, and Lifestyle Content.

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