How to Actually Get Your Kids to Eat Vegetables!

Hi Reader,

The battlelines are drawn, there’s a deafening silence wafting through the air, tensions running high, so thick you can cut it…WTF is happening right now?

You’ve entered yet another battleground of not so much man vs. food, but child vs. vegetable.

If you have a kid in your house, you know EXACTLY what I’m getting at.

  • “I don’t like it because it’s green”
  • “It looks weird”
  • “It smells funny”

(Or is that your spouse across the hall yelling at you….maybe)

I think we’ve all been there with a kid at some point right? Wait... that’s never happened to you? What?!! Amateur.

I'm gonna tell you something that will SAVE. YOUR. LIFE…ok, i’m being dramatic again…maybe not your life, but perhaps your sanity.

You want to get your kid to eat their vegetables, this is what you do… threaten them, then shove it down their throat.

NO! NO! NO! Don’t do that, what are you, a monster, this is a child! What's wrong with you?

No, this is ACTUALLY what you do, you ready? Get them involved!

Yeah, it actually works. Think about it, aren’t you more invested in something when you have a say or a stake in it? Why wouldn’t it be the same for your kid?

Look, it doesn’t matter what age they are either, you can adjust as appropriate.

  • A toddler may love just one thing one way, let them have it, but pick two more items and then let them choose which new thing they want to add to their plate.

For example: They only like baby carrots. Let them have that plus give them the option of peas, or broccoli. They chose. Even if they don’t like it, they will be more receptive to trying it because they had a say.

  • An older child could pick out something that the whole family can try at a meal AND help to prepare it. By giving them a say, you’re empowering them that their voice and choices matter. They will be more open to suggestions if they know they will be heard.
  • Try cutting up the item to fun kid sizes like carrot “fries”, or make broccoli patties into star shapes with a cookie cutter.

Why do you think these frozen food companies do that? You know what I’m talking about. You’ve seen these nugget shaped veggie pieces in the freezer section. And honestly, if it’s vegan, go for it. Take the help where you can get it.

And while we’re on the subject, nobody wants green beans boiled to death that now have a putrid shade of brown. If you don’t want it, why in the heck, would a kid want it? Don’t overcook your veggies. That was my PSA (public service announcement)

Check out various ways to prepare your mains and sides. Grilling and roasting are great ways to impart flavor. Don’t be afraid to incorporate spices either.

Need inspiration, check out ethnic cuisines.

Let's take corn on the cob.

  • You can have it boiled with vegan butter and a pinch of salt… YUM (never disappointed by that).
  • You can grill it.
  • How about you grill it, and add a paprika butter, or chives, or do it Mexican style with a squeeze of lime, paprika, vegan crema and crumbled vegan feta?

My mouth is watering already (but that’s because I’m a fat ass). It’s the same corn, just elevate it a bit and see how excited and open your kid will be to try new things. And if we’re being honest here, not just your kid, but your whole household.

So lets recap:

  • Get your child involved by letting them choose what they want to try
  • Let your child help prepare part of the meal so they feel invested
  • Use fun shapes
  • Take the help where you can get it (i.e. frozen section)

Over time, the battle that once was will be a distant, distant memory and you’ll have a happier, more invested tiny human eating their vegetables instead of throwing them at your head…the wall…the floor…

I hope this has been helpful and insightful. I wish you fun in the kitchen and peace at the table. Let me know if you’ve implemented any of these suggestions and how it’s worked out for you and your household.

Until next time!

Thanks again,

Hugs and chocolate kisses! Kadae

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Kadae from Honey & Chocolat

I provide tips, tricks, and resources for Plant-Forward Living, Simple Recipes, and Lifestyle Content.

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