Just so we're clear, there's no such thing as a perfect vegan

Hi Reader,

So today’s newsletter is a bit controversial, but we’re gonna go there anyway.

For a long time veganism has been described like there’s some accession process involved, like you’re entering the gates of some secret society where only the elite can gather.

I don’t know about you, but I don't agree and I’m not here for it.

I personally believe that yes, veganism is important and matters for different reasons to different people, and we should always try to be understanding and respectful of someones’ position, especially when it comes to protecting life, reducing harm to the environment, and improving our health.

But what I don't agree with are holier than thou, bible thumping, and scare tactic maneuvers. This is the crap that gives vegans a bad name.

The majority of us who are adopting a more plant based lifestyle weren’t born this way, we chose it. It was a conscious decision we made for our own reasons.

So to shame someone, or try to manipulate them into now “following” you into what you’ve decided is the way they should be living…not cool.

Please keep in mind that this is just my own opinion and I'm not speaking for any group or cause. You don’t have to agree with anything I'm saying, but I have the right to express my feelings just like you do.

There’s no such thing as perfect:

The reason I say there’s no such thing as a perfect vegan, is because there isn’t. Nothing and nobody is perfect, we are learning everyday as we go, especially if you’re in the transitioning stage.

I’m in my 9th year as a vegan and I still mess up from time to time. And before you say “oh, she messes up so that’s why she’s writing this”, no, not at all.

I think it’s not about perfection, but making an effort to be better, making an effort to be intentional about certain things, being open to other options.

I’ve mentioned this before but my family isn’t vegan but they are actually open to trying new things because they see me doing it, and because they see me doing it and know my reason (better health), they have also begun to incorporate more plant based options into their rotation.

Not because I’m forcing them or guilting or shaming them, but because they want to. Because they know that they have that option as well.

Over time, I've seen them increase their volume of plant based/vegan options because they actually like it. They don’t even think about it as vegan vs. non-vegan, they just see it as good.

But as I said originally, there’s no such thing as perfect. I’ll give you some real life example that I’ve experienced.

Life Examples:

  • I purchased some vegetable seasoning, assuming (without reading the label) that it was completely safe because another product I bought from that brand was vegan. After using the product, I decided to read the label and realized it had dehydrated chicken as an ingredient. Why would dehydrated chicken be in vegetable seasoning?

  • Another time I used a product I’ve used before in my pre-vegan days. Sofrito. If you’re Spanish you already know what that is. If you’re not, it’s typically bell peppers, garlic, onion, sometimes tomato sauce…basically your base for cooking your meals.

I once again assumed (didn’t read the label- which was really tiny by the way) and when I finally got around to reading it saw it had bacon fat in it. I still don’t understand why bacon fat is in a tomato and vegetable product, but there you go.

But those examples are unknowing slips. What about when you know? That’s where this topic really rings true.

Sometimes, you don’t plan properly, sometimes you have limited options if you’re somewhere, and sometimes you just say, eff it, I'm doing it anyway. Been there, done that too.

But then you pick yourself up, remember your why, and adjust yourself back on track. You’re not a “bad guy” because you have a slip, you’re human and navigating something in an environment that’s not always welcoming to what you’re trying to do.

So I’ll tell you, don’t be too hard on yourself, just understand that it’s a process and you’ll be evolving with it for some time. And if you take that pressure off your shoulders that you have to be perfect all the time, I think you’ll have an easier time embracing and sticking with your transition.

Hopefully you’ve found this helpful and useful as you continue with your transitioning. Feel free to drop your thoughts about this and I’ll talk to you soon.

Thanks again,

Hugs and chocolate kisses! Kadae

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Kadae from Honey & Chocolat

I provide tips, tricks, and resources for Plant-Forward Living, Simple Recipes, and Lifestyle Content.

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