These Darn Cravings!

Hi Reader,

These cravings are driving me crazy! How many times have you felt like that?

  • Are your cravings just haunting you, like a shadow lurking by your side, an itch you can’t quite reach?
  • Is it invading your mind to the point you can’t even sleep well?

Ok, I’m being a bit dramatic as usual. The point is, you’ve got it bad babe, but what’s to be done?

Ok, let’s take a breath and get a grip. We can do this.

The best way to deal with a craving is to figure out why you are having it, and how to curb it…. realistically.

  • Are you just in need of something sweet?
  • Salty?
  • Combo? Savory?
  • Or is it a Specific thing (a barrier food) on your mind?

You have to remember, you will get cravings now and again even as a seasoned vegan, but in the beginning of transitioning, it can hit you more frequently and it’s NORMAL.

Why do we have cravings in the first place?

  • Well, habit. We’re used to having something and when we find ourselves without it we don't know what to do without it.
  • Memories and emotions are another factor. We always had the ice-cream cake at our birthday party, grandma always made spiral ham at Easter.

One of the best ways to deal with a craving is to find a suitable alternative for the food you are craving.

For example:

Meat Cravings

What if you are craving meat/chicken/seafood? Find similar tastes and textures.

  • Look at whole food alternatives 1st, but there are also very good (sometimes too good) processed food alternatives. Whole foods are always the best way to go, and processed foods, like any processed food, are best to use sparingly.
  • Meat/Chicken can be replaced with mushrooms, cauliflower, tofu, tempeh, lentils/beans/legumes, and jackfruit which are all great alternatives.
  • For processed meat substitutes I would look at brands like Beyond Meat (my favorite by the way since you asked), Gardein, Tofurky, Yves Veggie Cuisine, Litelife, Boca, and MorningStar Farms.
  • Gardein by the way has a fantastic crab cake substitute. The funny thing is, I’ve had my non-vegan friends ask me for vegan food to try. They can’t believe how good the products taste, and sometimes they taste better than the original animal based product.

If you have a food sensitivity like gluten or nuts, make sure you read the ingredient labels of these products carefully to avoid any potential allergens.

Also, the way you season your food (and for the love of God PLEASE season your food) will also have an impact on the level of enjoyment and satisfaction you get from it.

Remember, you are now surviving on a diet heavily relying on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

  • Flavor enhancements
  • Flavor bombs
  • Bouillon
  • Niso
  • Nutritional yeast
  • And marinades are your friend

No one wants bland foods. NO ONE.

Also, preparation methods also can lend to your flavor profile. Grilling and roasting is an example of this.

When I used to eat meat, I was a steak and loaded baked potato girl. I switched out the steak for sauteed mushrooms and on occasion I like cauliflower steak. I found that if I used steak seasoning on those ingredients, it satisfied me enough that I didn't miss the meat.

By the way, steak seasoning doesn’t contain steak. But it has ALL the flavors you associate with steak….AH-HA! You can do the same with poultry seasoning, but READ YOUR LABELS!

I onced ordered some vegetable seasoning online to try from a brand I thought was ALL Vegan, but when I looked at the label it contained dehydrated chicken. Why was there dehydrated chicken in a vegetable seasoning? Why was there dehydrated chicken in any seasoning? Read your labels (this is my public service announcement to you).

Snack Cravings

  • Snack cravings like butter popcorn, cookies, chips/cheese crackers, power bars, fruit leather, are easily found with vegan alternatives. Brands like Skinny Pop, Lesser Evil, Boom Chicka Pop are very popular. Lenny and Larry’s, Tate’s Bake Shop, and Eat Pastry are also well known brands.
  • Subscription snack boxes may also be something you want to take a look at. They also have gluten free options and can introduce you to products/brands you never heard of before that you may find you like. Some subscription boxes also offer snack sizes if you don’t want a full sized product. Vegan Cuts and Bunny James are a couple of well known ones. There’s a bunch.

So, the moral of the story is, take your time. Look into viable alternatives and explore the options available to you. Luckily we have a ton of incredible vegan products and brands now so options are limitless.

Question for you: What have you experienced so far when it comes to your cravings and how have you managed to curb them? Are there any tips you’d like to share? Let me know.

Until next time, happy eating!

Thanks again,

Hugs and chocolate kisses! Kadae

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Kadae from Honey & Chocolat

I provide tips, tricks, and resources for Plant-Forward Living, Simple Recipes, and Lifestyle Content.

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