Vegan and starving: What the hell is going on here?

Hi Reader,

Now you’re eating plant based, good for you!

You’ve been trying this for a little while now and overall not too bad, getting used to some things slowly, and now you realize you suddenly have the appetite of a high school running back and you want to know….

Why Am I So Hungry?

I can help you with that. Vegan diets tend to be more nutrient dense than calorie dense, so the foods you are consuming have less calories, therefore you are hungrier more often than you’ve been used to.

Basically, you need to eat…MORE…and more often.

I mean that pretty much sums this up. It’s not a mystical, cosmic, other worldly thing here. Are you disappointed? Don’t be.

This is a good thing, because we have ways to get you out of the danger zone of being “hangry” and back to a fully functioning adult. Let’s get to it.

Eat a variety of plant based foods throughout the day.

  • 3 meals a day may not cut it anymore, you need to factor in snacks.
  • Think 6 smaller meals instead.
  • And when you eat, you need to load up your plate.

You need to also change your mindset. For too long we’ve looked at vegetables as side dishes instead of the star attraction. As long as you are eating a variety of foods throughout the day, you should have the protein and amino acids your body needs to function properly.

That leads me to the next item on the list.

Eat foods higher in protein.

Now, you may not realize this, but ALL foods have protein. Of course not all of them have the same amounts, but they all have some level of protein.

What you want to do is to choose foods that carry a higher amount to make sure you are full longer.

Soy products like tofu, tempeh, and edamame are great sources. But what if you don’t like or can’t have soy?

Don’t underestimate the power of the bean or legume. Chickpeas and lentils are powerhouses. Add in some quinoa and you’ve got a super trio hero meal. (say that 3x fast)

Quick example:

½ cup lentils = 12g protein

Palm of hand of tofu= 10g protein

½ cup quinoa =8g protein

Put that together like a stir fry. That’s 30g of protein in one meal. And you’ve got 5 more meals to get through today. I guarantee you won’t be “hangry” for long.

Prep those snacks.
I will always advocate for the snack. A well placed snack has power. The power to help keep you full and the power to keep you happy.

Snacks don’t have to be junk. It could be a smoothie, a handful of nuts, some hummus, air popped popcorn.

Rethink how you snack and what keeps you happy and incorporate some smart choices into your routine.

Drink more water.

You thirsty boo, go grab a glass of water and drink, I’ll wait for you. No seriously, go drink some water.

It’s not always hunger, sometimes your body needs hydration. Remember, you’re eating more protein and fiber heavy foods so you’re gonna need the extra water to keep functioning properly.

And last but not least…don’t skip the fats!

At least the healthy fats like avocados, avocado oil, coconut oil and nuts. Don’t go heavy on the fats but because they are more calorie dense it can help keep you feeling fuller longer.

Ok, so now we know why you suddenly feel like you have the metabolism of a 17 year old boy and what we can do about it. Put some of these action items into place and I bet you’ll feel better, more satisfied, and goodness willing, finally full.

Let me know how this worked out for you.

Thanks again,

Hugs and chocolate kisses! Kadae

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Kadae from Honey & Chocolat

I provide tips, tricks, and resources for Plant-Forward Living, Simple Recipes, and Lifestyle Content.

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