You Need to Get Your Mind Right- MINDSET SHIFT

Hi Reader,

You probably heard me say this before, but I need to say it again. You need to get your mind right!

Mindset shift is probably the most important thing you can do when you transition to vegan and plant-based living. Having the right mindset, knowing your “why”, is going to keep you focused on your goal. Think of it as your North Star, your guide to getting you where you need to go.

Whenever you face challenges, keeping your why at the top of your mind will keep you focused.

So how do you do that and stay on course?

By making a plan. Like any successful journey you’ll need to plan, or at least you should have one in place. A solid plan will keep you on track and give you something measurable. You have a starting point, your end goal, and in between you can track your progress.

1st, figure out your why, your reason for transitioning in the first place.

  • Is it for the animals?
  • The environment?
  • Your health?
  • A 60 day challenge?

2nd, figure out how you want your journey to look like.

  • Will you transition from omnivore to vegan immediately?
  • Transition to vegetarian and then to vegan?
  • Transition from omnivore to vegan slowly over time?

3rd, figure out your meal plans.

  • Are you going to invest time to cook? You’ll learn alot about vegan and plant-based health, nutrition, and discover many new favorites,
  • Not a cook? No worries, there are tons of food delivery services to take the guesswork out and save you time.

At times during your transition, you may deal with different challenges. You may get pushback and objections from the last people you would expect, friends, family, even co-workers.

You would think everyone would be onboard with positive changes

Why wouldn’t they? Because you’re challenging the status quo. You’re bucking the system and changing everything they've known about you for so long.

  • Will we still have after work meetups?
  • What about weekend bbq’s?
  • How about eating out, will we be forced to only go to “vegan” places?

Understandably, people don’t always like different, especially if they don’t understand it.

  • They may have genuine concerns for your health, like are you getting enough protein, vitamins and nutrients?
  • Is this going to be detrimental to your health in some way, will it make you anemic?

Knowing your why from the start and taking the time to educate yourself on the benefits you hope to achieve from this transition will be key to your success.

The more educated you are on safe vegan transitioning and the benefits you are looking to achieve, the more confident you’ll be in stating your position and values, and having others respect your stance.

Like a well thought of plan you’ll have the tools in place you need to not only get started, but you’ll be able to set actionable goals to measure your transition success.

What does that look like? Well if you break it down over the course of 4 weeks it could look something like this:

1st week: Just have vegan breakfast, that’s it. Eat whatever else you want for your other meals, but you’ve made the commitment to have only vegan breakfast.

2nd week: Vegan breakfast and lunches. Now you’re building onto the foundation and making it stronger.

3rd week: Vegan breakfast and lunches, and now some vegan snacks as well. Keep the foundation strong, but not overwhelming.

4th week: Vegan breakfast, lunches, snacks, and 2 vegan dinners this week. Not bad, not overwhelming, and still flexible. A little wiggle room while you get comfortable getting all in.

As you can see, this is both actionable and measurable.

While you take the time to transition at a comfortable pace for yourself, you are able to secure for yourself a solid foundation for continued growth and education.

When you are ready to give up, remember the reason you started. That’s the POWER of your “why”.

Remember, this is about you, your health, well being, and happiness. Get yourself support by investing in resources available to you like community forums, FaceBook groups, listen to podcasts, check out books, documentaries, and websites.

I hope this has been useful to you in understanding how important mindset is when transitioning and how it plays into aligning your focus to achieving your goals.

Until next time!

Thanks again,

Hugs and chocolate kisses! Kadae

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Kadae from Honey & Chocolat

I provide tips, tricks, and resources for Plant-Forward Living, Simple Recipes, and Lifestyle Content.

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