You're Not Eating Enough Whole Foods

Hi Reader,

I wanted to talk to you today about one of the more common mistakes made when switching to a vegan or plant-based diet. What is it?

Not consuming enough whole foods.

I think our society and culture has become so fast paced, and there’s been so much emphasis on the hustle and bustle that over time we have gradually started relying on fast, processed, junky foods.

We never minded because, let’s be honest here:

  1. The convenience factor
  2. It tastes good
  3. It’s relatively affordable

But at what cost? Our health in general has taken a steady decline because of our actions. I know time is always a factor, the job, the kids, the meetings and reports, the never ending deadlines are all consuming.

I remember as a child sitting down to a HOME COOKED MEAL…with actual cutlery…and glasses, not plastic cups, actual glass. Remember those days?

Nowadays it seems like we are relegated to our desks eating out of a takeout container.

It’s time to stop the madness and get back to a time when you can once again identify and pronounce the ingredients in your food. Whose with me?!

Ok, first things first:

What are whole foods, why do I want it, what can/will it do for me?

Whole Foods (not talking about the store) are fruits, vegetables, nuts (unless you have an allergy then don’t mess around here), grains, beans and legumes, and seeds.

  • The whole foods approach is associated with lower risk of hypertension, obesity, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.
  • Whole foods like fruits and vegetables are packed full of phytochemicals which aid in lowering your risk of cardiovascular and other diseases. In addition, the fiber you get from these foods can help in lowering your cholesterol, stabilize your blood sugar, and….help you with your bathroom situation if you know what I mean (better bowel movement 💩).

So far so good right?

If it’s so great, then why haven’t we all been doing this?

You know why? Because processed foods are addicting. No seriously, the amount of fats and sugars pumped into our convenience foods make them taste really good… and the easy/laziness factor, let’s not forget about that.

  • If someone else is making it for me, that’s less time I have to spend doing it myself…so I can get busy eating out of this plastic container at my desk once more. And the vicious cycle continues.
  • Another reason? Cost is a factor, and not all whole foods are readily available. When was the last time you found a coupon for some fresh cucumbers? I can NEVER find discounts on fresh produce….but I’ll be damned if I can’t find a coupon for some cheetos or some frozen mac and cheese…am I lying? You know I’m right.
  • If you live in a predominantly low income, urban community of color, or a more rural area this is even more true.

Below are some examples of whole foods and processed foods.

Examples of Whole Foods vs. Processed:

  • Corn on the cob vs. Corn Flakes Cereal
  • Fruit vs. Fruit Roll Ups (Fruit Leather)
  • Potatoes vs. Potato Chips

Examples of Ultra-processed foods:

  • frozen pizza
  • soda
  • fast food
  • sweets
  • salty snacks
  • canned soup
  • most breakfast cereals

*Side bar: I’m an EXPERT on All of the Above

What can be done to combat these challenges?

Here’s a few ideas: KISS (Keep It Simple…Silly).

  1. Eat fruits and vegetables everyday. Add them into your meals (like a topping for your salad) or as a snack in between meals.
  2. Eat more beans (contrary to the rhyme they are not bad for your heart, but yes, they may make you…gassy. Just rinse well and that should do the trick). Chili is a great way to get your fix and beans offer fiber and protein your body needs.
  3. Vegetable Soup. Good old fashioned tomato soup, or some bulked up minestrone, it’s easy and affordable.
  4. Oats. Oats can be added to your smoothie, or for oatmeal bars, or added to your muffin mix before baking.
  5. Meal prep/plan, or just make a little bit more for leftovers. If you have good food leftover, you’ll most likely eat that 1st before reaching for something else not so great for you.

Examples of Whole Foods to include in meal rotation:

  • Dark leafy greens (spinach, kale, swiss chard, bok choy)
  • Veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, bell peppers, eggplant, carrots)
  • Fresh and frozen fruits (grapefruit, oranges, berries, bananas, apples)
  • Healthy fats (avocados, walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, olive oil)
  • Whole grains (quinoa, barley, amaranth, brown rice)
  • Dried legumes (black beans, lentils, chickpeas)

Well, there you have it. I hope this has given you a better understanding of what whole foods are and their place in a vegan diet. Actually, you don’t need to be vegan to enjoy whole foods, we should all be doing more of this anyway regardless of dietary choices, but if we can strive to do some of this on a weekly basis, we’ll be better for it.

Question: If you have any questions or tips you’d like to share about your experience with adding more whole foods into your routine, please share.

Ok, until next time!

Thanks again,

Hugs and chocolate kisses! Kadae

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Kadae from Honey & Chocolat

I provide tips, tricks, and resources for Plant-Forward Living, Simple Recipes, and Lifestyle Content.

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