Your Top 5 Daily Checklist

Hi Reader,

Today I’m coming in hot and giving you something quick and actionable, a daily checklist to keep you focused and on goal.

  • Mindset/Your why- Getting your mindset right while transitioning to veganism is a process, I know, but it’s a necessary one. Having confidence in yourself and your values is paramount to your success. You will always be faced with challenges in all things, but having a clear focus and goal in mind will help keep you on pace for success. This is what’s going to set the tone for you to stay clear and focused.

  • Stay Hydrated- Hydration in general is important for everyone, but if you are vegan or plant based it’s especially important because you have shifted to a diet higher in fiber. You may have noticed some changes in your digestive system aka ‘better bowel movements' , but all those fruits and vegetables you’re eating now contain soluble fiber and they tend to hold onto water in the digestive system. It’s great for your bathroom trips, but it can also lead to constipation, gas, or bloating- and nonone wants that! So make sure you stay hydrated. And not just water, you need electrolytes in your system so make sure you switch things up with coconut water, electrolyte drinks, even watermelon contains electrolytes.

  • Take your vitamins- There’s a myth out there that if you’re vegan you get all your vitamins and nutrients from a well balanced diet. A well balanced diet is important and you do have many nutrients in your foods, but there are essential nutrients that you may have to supplement on your vegan and plant based diets.
  • Vitamin B12- important for many bodily processes including protein metabolism and the formation of oxygen-transporting red blood cells. Too little B-12 can lead to anemia, infertility, bone and heart disease.
  • Vitamin D (specifically D2 or vegan D3)- this is a fat soluble vitamin and helps with the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Many foods don’t contain vitamin d and have to be fortified. Yes, you could go outside and some sunlight, but honestly, how many of us are getting enough sunlight daily? Vitamin D2 is always suitable for vegans but Vitamin D3 can be derived from sheep's wool (not vegan) or lichen (vegan friendly).
  • Omega 3 fatty Acids- these are important for your eyes and brain development. You can get these through a diet including foods such as flax seeds, algae oil, chia, and hemp seeds to name a few.

  • Make a plan for the day- ok, I get it, you may not be able to sit there and continuously make plans about what you will be doing for the day. Things come up unexpectedly, or you may just not be that into planning all the time. No worries, we’re gonna keep you on track with something simple. An emergency kit. Yup. Your car has one, your home has one, why don’t you have one for yourself?
  • In your bag/purse/briefcase (however you roll) keep a bottle of water, a coconut water or other hydrating drink. You’ll want a granola bar or some trail mix. Some dried fruit, a small pack of crackers and nut butter. Hey, it’s not gourmet but it gets the job done in a pinch, traffic jam, late meeting…etc.

  • Get some inspiration- get outside and hit up the local farmers market (support a small business). Read something new about animal welfare, sustainable farming methods, a new recipe you want to try, a restaurant item you want to try. Listen to a podcast on the vegan diet/lifestyle. Go beyond food, explore sustainable living, home and beauty. Keep yourself informed and entertained always.

Well, that’s it for now. I hope you find these quick tips easy and actionable. Let me know if you have any tips or ideas of your own you think may be helpful for someone.

Until next time!

Thanks again,

Hugs and chocolate kisses! Kadae

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Kadae from Honey & Chocolat

I provide tips, tricks, and resources for Plant-Forward Living, Simple Recipes, and Lifestyle Content.

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